Carve-Out Excellence: AvenDATA's Expert Touch for Optimal Results

It is often observed that two organizations come together through an acquisition or merger to increase their overall value rather than function as individual entities. But what if both are worth more if they are evaluated separately? It is indeed the logic behind a carve-out.
Carve-outs are becoming a necessity for organizations. The businesses might benefit in the form of strategic alliances, separate funding, or an improved access to the clients and suppliers. Undoubtedly, it is beneficial, but it affects the financial and operational aspects too. Further, it involves transformation in vital business components like tax, law, and IT. The connectivity and dependency of all these aspects eventually make the separation more complex and riskier. Furthermore, if the solution provider is not adequately prepared with an optimized solution, the complexity and risk increase.
Proper strategy and a precise plan are the keys to avoiding higher costs, longer time frames, and ineffective business processes.
Identifying causes
Our experts provide timely support in all capacities, be it designing, planning, and/or implementing the process. For example, we acknowledge the fact that a carve-out can possibly be due to strategic changes within the organization or it may be due to some regulatory compliance changes (say, an acquisition). Yet another reason may be a change in the group structure (integrated into a holding setup) or may be due to a not so successful product/business.
Further, there is a frequent problem of not realizing the fact that data has its own share of issues in case of liquidation or insolvency. There are various issues observed for both these causes. A similar situation arises during information gathering to understand and analyze the legacy systems.
AvenDATA ensures to resolve all such issues by taking care of these applications and that too, without the requirement of allocating extra resources.
Our ViewBox archiving system plays a crucial role in managing optimized carve-outs.
Our team is well equipped to identify the reasons and take appropriate measures that suitably fit in with other parts of the business processes as well. The expert team not only follows a thorough review process but also understands the carve-out of company codes.
A win-win situation
Our success lies in the fact that we consistently follow the best practises in delivering customized solutions. To do so, we have a streamlined process that begins with system analysis. This is an essential step with the purpose of estimating the duration of archiving your legacy system. To achieve a win-win situation, we have a streamlined process.
This step also does the cost estimation, yet another necessary component of decision planning and enforcement. It considers aspects like access to the system, required rights for the system, type and size of the database, export memory, and coordination of the backup process. It also considers factors like discussion/agreement/recordings of the required standard reports, balance sheet, trial balance, sales order, etc.
The next step towards a successful journey is to decide and start. Here, meeting with our expert team happens with the sole aim of unburdening you of the resources while we perform the archiving process. You will experience freedom and relaxation as the risks involved with the legacy systems will no longer impact the organization.
We firmly believe that systems and data streams must be analyzed before data separation.
To further this belief, AvenDATA can easily separate the client and accounting areas within the ViewBox. We formalize a concept to identify and separate infrastructure and application-based IT resources. We also create and follow a check list to identify the dependencies between the IT tasks and the complete carve-out process.
The objective is to perform a detailed analysis and understand the data linkages for easier navigation and faster access. Moreover, with this approach, the legal conflicts concerning the provision of the data prior to sales can be avoided. For smooth carve-outs, we have developed an ideal tool that is ready to support you from the planning stage to the implementation stage.
Our solutions are available in the form of an on-premises supply or as a secured cloud hosting solution.
AvenDATA’s success track
We specialize in the carve-out domain and that too, in accordance with the law. The organizations can use ViewBox to build a global archive for the older applications. Apart from complete archiving, there is also the possibility to precisely sort out the single clients and archive them securely.
We use the right procedures and tools to avoid system failures or data access interruptions.
Thus, AvenDATA’s customer-centric approach coupled with best performance always leads to a successful carve-out. The team is committed to practising effective communication, active participation with the involvement of the IT team, submitting and following appropriate methods, and ensuring an optimized carve-out for organizations.
How Legacy Systems Work and Their Architecture
Legacy Systems in Digital Era:
SAP Carve-Out Guide: Definition, Process, Benefits
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