Data carve-outs
& archiving
The complex challenges of carve-outs & careful planning
A carve-out, whether with SAP, Oracle, Navision, or another system, typically involves complex challenges related to data archiving. This requires careful planning and expertise, as well as a deep understanding of the database structures of the respective systems.
An in-depth understanding of database structures is the “key to successful carve-outs”. For a carve-out to be truly successful, it is necessary to understand and apply the relationships between the individual tables and filters, sometimes down to the level of individual data records. AvenDATA has built up this understanding over the last 20 years.
In addition, there is hardly any other area where we can save more costs through our fast and targeted approach.

Successful carve-outs
of hundreds of
systems and versions
Benefit from our in-depth understanding of the structure and functionality of different systems and versions for a professional and smooth carve-out process. Our expertise spans hundreds of successful carve-outs in different system versions.
System analysis
for carve-outs
Our application decommissioning process begins by thoroughly analysing your system, specifically tailored to carve-outs. This analysis is crucial for estimating the timeline and costs of archiving the legacy system as part of the carve-out. The results of the this analysis are presented to you in the form of a fixed price offer, which you can accept or reject. The system analysis covers technical and business aspects specific to the carve-out, such as system access, database type and size, required reports and more.
Project: archiving
for carve-outs
After we have conducted the system analysis for carve-outs, you can decide whether or not to start the project with us. Every project begins with a kick-off meeting specially tailored to the carve-out process, where your team meets one of our experienced project managers. We take over archiving the system as part of the carve-out and thus relieve your capacities. The project comprises various milestones, such as system access, data export, data transfer and documentation of all processes specific to the carve-out.
Each project usually takes between 3 and 6 months, depending on the complexity of the carve-out system. You will be supported by our teams and project managers throughout the entire carve-out process.
At the end of the project, we conduct test and acceptance phases to ensure that all data has been successfully transferred to the carve-out framework. We make sure that minimal resources are required for these phases and ensure that all carve-out requirements are met before finalising the project.
Result: archiving
for carve-outs
By switching to our specially developed ViewBox software solution, all important tables and documents are transferred there in preparation for future requests. ViewBox, a search system, enables easy and efficient access to archived data and documents. In addition, we reconstruct all important reports to ensure that important information remains available even after the original system has been decommissioned.
Once ViewBox has been implemented, the original system can be decommissioned.
At the end of each project, you receive comprehensive documentation so that, even years later, an expert third party can see how the archiving was conducted and, above all, how it was tested. In addition, we store all individual tests and individual archiving steps in a Jira ticket system until the archiving system is dissolved.
The World of ViewBox
As a modern scan and search system, AvenDATA’s ViewBox software enables data to be searched, analysed and shared quickly and efficiently. ViewBox also offers an automated function for deleting data after a certain period of time. Using reliable cloud infrastructure, ViewBox ensures secure access to your data via an intuitive web application.
ViewBox undergoes regular security audits and is already used in hundreds of organisations to retrieve historical data from decommissioned legacy systems. As a proven solution, ViewBox provides a reliable way to access and use historical data effectively.

Flexible Deployment
Options & Rapid ROI
Typically, our solution pays for itself within twelve months of implementation. By migrating to our application decommissioning solution, customers can achieve significant cost savings in several areas, including maintenance, licence fees, infrastructure, personnel, compliance and operating costs. This rapid ROI makes our solution not only a strategic choice for long-term efficiency and compliance, but also a financially sensible decision in the short term.
Continuous Support
for Consultants and Auditors
We pride ourselves on being available to our clients at all times for any type of enquiry, from tax advisors, accountants and auditors to legal and specialised departments. Since the beginning of our business, we have become used to working closely with external experts and dealing with enquiries quickly. Our dedicated team is able to efficiently guide you with such enquiries and provide professional support for all queries.
Contact us to smoothly
Carve Out Process
Our experienced team is always on hand to conduct the decommissioning process efficiently and cost-effectively in a short timeframe, regardless of the type and version of your legacy system.
Trust AvenDATA to successfully decommission your systems and contact us today for more information.