Shaping the Future:
How Innovation in Legacy Systems/Carve-outs Creates Cost Efficiency

AvenDATA is at the forefront of innovation in archiving and decommissioning legacy systems and carve-outs. Since our founding in 2003, we have worked tirelessly to provide significant cost savings to our customers worldwide.
Through our targeted archiving strategy, we enable companies of all sizes to realize significant savings in maintenance, personnel, energy, and infrastructure costs.
Shaping the future: How innovation in legacy systems/carve-outs creates cost efficiency
Aerial view of a factory surrounded by green fields in the countryside

Our mission

To revolutionize the traditional approach to system archiving and carve-outs drives us to continually develop innovative solutions like our ViewBox software. This future-oriented archiving solution sets new standards and offers much more than conventional systems.

Our technical approach

Through the targeted extraction of business logic from existing databases and systems, combined with the partial replication or export of business logic, we can replicate the original functionalities of the legacy system or carve-outs and, above all, the reports and evaluations of these carve-outs in our search and archive systems, enabling us to guarantee smooth functionality that is independent of the original systems.
The information capability of the archived system is therefore always guaranteed, even if the old system has long since been switched off.

By creating an independent, centralized archive solution

we not only ensure the integrity and accessibility of historical data, but also eliminate reliance on legacy infrastructure and associated costs.
Our systems act as self-contained archives, separate from the source systems, allowing companies to significantly reduce their operating costs while ensuring compliance and access to critical data.

Archiving Projects

We have successfully completed more than 650 archiving projects.


We have varied experience with more than 250 applications from different vendors.

Years of Extensive Experience

We have more than 20 years of experience in the archiving of legacy systems.


We have a team of 225+ experts with specialized knowledge in the archiving of legacy systems/carve-outs.
people working at a desk and another image with construction machine in the background

Enter a New Era of Data Archiving with AvenDATA now.

Let us transform your legacy systems together and optimize your operating costs.
Contact us today to learn how we can help your business achieve sustainable savings and improved data management.